Learning Style Personality Test

Discover your preferred learning style by answering the following 25 questions. Select an option to proceed to the next question.

Question 1 of 25

1. When you need to learn something new, what do you do first?

2. If you're attending a lecture, what helps you pay attention the most?

3. To understand a complex process, you prefer:

4. When learning about historical events, you find it easiest to:

5. To remember a phone number, you:

6. When trying to recall a conversation, you remember:

7. When solving a math problem, you:

8. If you're stuck on a puzzle, you:

9. When giving instructions, you:

10. To express your ideas in a group, you prefer:

11. Your ideal study environment is:

12. When preparing for a test, you:

13. For leisure reading, you enjoy:

14. When visiting a new city, you prefer to:

15. To learn a new language, you would:

16. When cooking a new recipe, you:

17. In a museum, you are most drawn to:

18. To stay focused while working, you prefer:

19. When learning about science, you enjoy:

20. To remember people's names, you:

21. When planning a trip, you prefer to learn about the destination by:

22. In a classroom setting, you learn best when:

23. To understand your emotions, you:

24. When assembling furniture, you:

25. To learn a new software, you: